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how do you get the fur coats from dragonborn


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A thread i started a ways back, looking for warmer cloathing for the game may have found a solution in this latest expansion.


The people in the northern towns have great and more importantly weather apropriet looking fur cloaths, not unlike the wildlings from game of thrones...


I cant figure out a way to obtain them. does anyone know how I might do this and is there a mod out there that has allready done it?


Would be nice to finaly have a winter coat... cant figure out why skyrim had so many bare sleaves and leggings, you know, given that its snowing... a lot...

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I gave up trying to find one of those coats myself in game and just ended up adding one via console....Just type in....help "skaal" 0 and scroll to the top of the list that comes up, the coat, boots and gloves are there....I tried to find Mods, but the only one I found so far is if you already have one of the coats in your possession.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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