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Unable to talk to Serana and Jorleif, Ulfric's steward


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After I started building my Hearthfire house and got the falkreath follower to be my "manager" I couldn't talk to Serana anymore,

Disable/Enable, ResetAI or teleporting her to me doesn't help, as well as setting my follower count to 0 or getting another follower since she will keep following me anyway.

Even though she does still fight and after spamming E on her I can command her to go somewhere.


Also Jorleif is bugged as well, because there is no option shown to talk to him and Ulfric, but I need to receive my quest bounty from him.


I also don't got the sneak tools mod enabled or wear any piece of nightingale armor.


My last safe is quite far behind and would still contain a bugged Jorleif, can anybody help me please? I've put a lot of work into this character...

Edited by Extremeguy
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