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Creating a follower question


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Hey all! :)

So for a mod I'm making I want to create a custom follower with a custom voice. So far, everything works like charm, but I can't manage to make the "Follow me" dialogue to show up... :(


With some research, apparently it will be because my custom voice doesn't contains follower dialogue. Is that right ? Because I've made all the steps a dozen of time and nothing seems to work..


So my question is; how do you create custom follower dialogue for a custom npc ? It is just adding basic topics or there is a lot of scripting to do ?


Thank you very much for your help! :)



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Weeeeelll, I don't really have a fantastic answer for this. But I did make a custom voice follower for myself not long ago by following this tutorial: http://deck16.net/post/22645519500/making-a-unique-voiced-follower-in-skyrim-part-1 .


It worked fine for me. (I used it with a dremora and just left empty sound files for the various follower commands. So he still yells stuff during combat, but doesn't make a vocal reply to commands. Funny subtitles, tho. teehee ) What I'm not sure about is how compatible with other follower mods. The method in the linked tutorial has you piggy-backing off of the various vanilla follower dialog quests, which I imagine (?) could conflict with mods that do the same thing.


I don't know if there's a better way to do it. You could probably reconstruct the required quests from scratch, but that seems rather..... daunting. I would suggest taking a look at some other unique-voiced follower mods in the CK to see how they work (as I will be doing myself, once I start working on my follower again). Or...... is there someone out there who could give some insight into this?? I'd like to know more about it myself :) .

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