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Advanced Scripter Help Needed For Project SOR (WIP)


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Hello im in need of a Advanced Scripers Help for my teams WIP Sovereign Of Rites AKA SOR.


I made this topic cause i know how to script but im not a Advanced scripter yet.


Anyway the Scripting is left mostly to me and i can only do so much so if you can help me Thank you.








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looking for some info i looked in wiki but cant find any help


what im looking for a way to add scn Sript, to my Generic character.



you meat a wastlander out in the wastes


A dial pops up saying do you whant to join my country of course this at gun point for now.


Shure why not.


then what i do is add to the Results Begining or end a command or something what would start a New Script for that NPC.


say this script


scn SRCivJoinScript


;Follower Variable

short Hired

short IsFollowingDefault

short Waiting

short LiveHere

short Taxs

short Food

short DoOnce


BEGIN GameMode

;Starts the Faction.

if ( DoOnce == 1 )


AddToFaction SRFaction 0

AddScriptPackage SRCivFollowPlayerDEFAULT







whats the Best way to do this?


so far im thinking of adding a food that has a script effect and last for 999999 days the is given to the NPC to be Eaten but i havent found the right way for the NPC to get and eat it in DIAL.

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Thanks lol i was thinking i mite be able to do that then i read your reply.


any Way i think i got that part working now what im trieing to do is to get the Dial to say to the Effect script change Waiting to 1, or IsFollowing to 1


i was going to use the food idea but id have to add Pack refs every were, what im doing is you basicly make any NPC run a Script that i want.


is an EffectScript that i made into a base then to a Ability and added to a Ref NPC no i dont want to use the NPCref to call the waiting variable in the script cause im trieing to make it so i can Recruit almost any NPC.




scn SRSoldierScript


;follower variable

short waiting

short isFollowing


begin GameMode

;set up AI to do serten things

if ( Waiting == 1)

AddScriptPackage isWaiting

if ( IsFollowing == 1 )

AddScriptPackage IsFollowing01




any way i keep saying In Dialogue Topics Results begining or end set SRSoldier.Waiting to 1 or some thing like that and it keeps giveing me Errors so i thought i mite use the begin scripteffectstart, Activate, but im not to familar with that yet


What am i doing wrong and what can i do to fix it.

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alright now that i think ive goten over the Recruiting Problem useing a Flag System to my Scripts i can Now start Testing it, till i can Release Version 0.092, once that works you should have 3 more followers added to the roster. after thats released ill start working on the Build Buildings Scripts after that and a few Tweaks i should have the Demo done. Man i wish i could of used some other scripting code but i couldnt find any thing else that mite work. I hope this works Right!
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Couldn't you have used a hidden quest? You make a quest, make it use that script. Then you make the dialog start the quest. Once a script is tied to a quest you can change variables in the script with other scripts. ( set quest.variable to # )
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