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Problems locating architecture textures (Solitude Bard Teather)


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I am trying to find the textures for the Bards College Theater (the place where they burn the straw puppet of King Olaf)

In fact, I couldn't find any texture at all that only refers to the exterior bards college stuff.


Background Info: I intend to use the teather in my own 3D software (Carrara 8 Pro) as a "stage" for my renderings, not so much as a mod


I already exported the Mesh of the BardsCollegeTeather.nif and converted it into an obj file.

Now I need the textures because I noticed the 3d mesh is rather crude (stairs are just ramps e.g.) and most likely it will depend on the normal maps for displacement.


But now comes the problem. I can't locate the proper texture files.


I also tried to find them via TES Creation Kit - and also couldn't really find what the teather texture is really called.

When I peek deeper via TES Creation Kit, the textures have names like SBardsCollegeAmphitteather or so... but those I can't locate either.

I exported all Solitude Architecture Textures and can't find anything either... that works.


Also, I only have three texture/shader slots for the Mesh... wall, stairs and floor.

So there should actually be only three specific textures for that teather? Or not?


Could it be that texturing Skyrim Architecture requires putting texture pieces together like a puzzle and very much unlike armor and weapon textures? Because then I wonder why the teather only has three texture slots.


It always had worked nicely for me with armor and weapons. But architecture (exterior) is giving me a headache


Thanks in advance






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