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New to modding, assistance please?


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Hello everyone! First off, I love what I see on the site and cant wait to get started using these awesome mods!


Next, I'm using the NMM for skyrim, and I've added a few weapons and armours. Unfortunately, a few of them lack a decent description so that I can find these weapons in game.


So, I wanted to know if there is a way I could creat an easy access chest (let's say in Whiterun) that I could simply dump all the mod items into? I'm sure this can be done, however, I dont know how...


If you could send me a how to link, I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!


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Frist you need to load the mod you want.In case you want to keep the changes in it's esp, select as Active file.If not, only click on it.

You'll also need Wrye Bash if you want to create a new esp.http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840


Copy a chest istance such as "BanditBossTreasChest" and remove its contents.Then, add each item to the chest or to different leveled lists you'll create and put them in the chest.


After that, in the Cell viewer ( small window with 2 text boxes ) select "WhiterunWorld" as world space and then "WhiterunPlainsDistrict01".Now, click and drag the entry of your new chest in the Object Window and out it where you want, and then save.


For information on the camera controls, http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Creation_Kit_Interface#Controlling_the_Camera


If you created a new esp for the chest with the items, you'll need Wrye Bash now.Load up it, right-click on your new esp and select "Add Master...".Just add the esps and esms that contain the items you put on the chest.

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