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[Mod request] Entrails from animals rather than Draugrs


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Hi guys,


If I had more time I would be giving a proper try to make this mod myself, but no such luck unfortunately.


The mod I have in mind consist in adding entrails to boars and deer loot, while removing it from Draugrs. The main reason being how disgusting is the idea of making sausages out of rotten corpses intestines, and also because we do use herbivores entrails to make sausages IRL (adding a extra bit of immersion).


Also, the game description doesn't even need to be edited, as it is a conveniently generic line, "A slimy length of something's insides." hence fit to be dropped by multiple mobs.


In regard to Draugrs, the entrails would instead be replaced with Scrap iron or, if possible, to make the material dropped, depend on the armor they wear (Deer hide from those wearing Leather helmet, Bronze from those with a Bronze helmet, and Scrap iron from those with a Iron helmet).


Naturally this change would have to follow the same game mechanic of increasing in number depending on the number of stars they have.


Considering how sausages still need Thistle (a somewhat rare resource, and spawning in a biome dangerous in early game), and how annoying/dangerous are Draugrs to kill, I see no risk of game unbalance, but I am interested in discussing any argument against it.


That said, I hope some more user friendly modding tools are released for this game, and I thank you for your time.



Edited by lizardsoul
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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean, I understand why they did it this way. It's a nominally OP food and it would be semi game breaking to have it early on from killing bores and deer. What would be nice is if such a mod included a toggleable feature to allow those drops only after you got the first entrails from Drauger, that way the difficulty remains intact but then you don't have to ... you know...be a cannibal? :(

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Not really that early, as sausages still need thistle, and it's not really a walk in the park to explore dark forest, let alone marshes, early on, nor is thistle a common resource, maintaining sausages as a food one would use only for dangerous situations like dungeons cleaning, bosses etc.


I have see no mod changing the loot drops though, so I am starting to wonder if it is even possible with the current tools available.

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