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Skyrim Main menu CTD + BOSS issue


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I've been out of Skyrim for a few weeks.

Last time I played all was fine, this was AFTER the 'legendary' patch was released mind you.


Yesterday I felt like booting it up again, now my game crashes at the main menu. I get the beth screen, but when it wants to load the menu it just crashes without any further information given.

i've had this happen before, turned out to be delete DLC (still puzzled how THAT happened). This is not the case, I've verified the local files (that STEAM thing).

Crashes continue.


I've checked all parts I can think of that might affect main menu stuff. SKSE, uncappers, SkyUI etc.

Most weren't updated since my last playtime, updated the rest. Still crashing.

Checked my mods, again, most seemed up to date still.


When updating yesterday I ran BOSS to keep load order in order.

But the crashing remains.


Gave up, went to bed and tried again today, hoping a full reboot of the system might fix it.

No luck.


Figured i'd run BOSS again to see if I may have missed a warning or summat.


Now BOSS isn't even finding the game anymore (even though I can still launch it...only to crash of course).


I'm just at a bit of a loss as to what can suddenly change a (relatively) stable game to a state of crashing at the main menu.

I've not changed anything in my off time and even if I have added a new weapon/armor piece at best, I can't imagine that causing such a sever imbalance in the game.


Can someone help me out here, please?


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I've tried all manners of launching the game, with SKSE, without it, through STEAM and manually locating the launcher.


I don't have SkyRe.

Here s a list of deep altering mods I'm using (so pretty much everything but weapon/armor/retex mods)

  • Skyrim Monster Mod
  • all Unofficial Patches
  • UFO
  • Birds of Skyrim
  • Dual Sheath redux (I will point out I changed to this one from DSpSoB, strictly follow the install instrucitons)
  • SkyUI
  • Enhanced might dragons (dragon mod)
  • Headtracking
  • Enhanced Lights and FX
  • Better Vampires
  • Tales of Lycanthropy.
  • Elaborate Enchantments
  • S.P.E.R.G.

Aside from Dual Sheath, I also added a single weapon.

For Dual Sheath I already had the skeleton mod installed way back.


I use K ENB, haven't altered that in any way since last play.



That STEAM launch did indeed allow BOSS to recognise it again (did also tamper with the graphics settings though)

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If you added a weapon you will need to run Dual Sheath Reproccer that causes CTD. It works just like SkyRe Reproccer everytime you add a new weapon you need to run the reproccer over.

EDIT: The Reproccer is located under ..../skyrim/data/SkyProc Patchers/DualSheath Redux/ and you should see the patcher

Edited by Nalo1993
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Well, I guess that patch needs to be rerun with every mod I install.

I had an error when a mod relied on another mod (which I never had in the first place), so I just installed it again after running the patcher.


Just installed the unneeded mod it seemed to require, ran it again, now it seems to work again.


Thanks much!

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