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Can you get an ArmorScript property attached to an armor?

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I have two versions of an armor and I'm trying to make it 'break' visually when the actor wearing it is under a certain amount of health.

There's a script attached to a activemagiceffect on the actor.

In the spell script, on an event, I can get the worn armor using GetWornForm().

But how can I get the attached script?


The armor itself has a script that has a property to the broken armor.

I want to then get that property as Armor and equipItem() the broken armor.


How can I do this?

Note: the activemagiceffect script does not know which armor it is until run time,.as I have many armors, all with their own broken versions.

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You can get the script attached by casting as.


If the script on your armor is this:

Scriptname TM_ArmorScript extends Armor 
Armor Property BrokenArmor Auto 

In your magic effect script you can do this:


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
    TM_ArmorScript ScriptRef = akTarget.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as TM_ArmorScript 
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You can get the script attached by casting as.


If the script on your armor is this:

Scriptname TM_ArmorScript extends Armor 
Armor Property BrokenArmor Auto 

In your magic effect script you can do this:


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
    TM_ArmorScript ScriptRef = akTarget.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as TM_ArmorScript 



Thanks a lot. I had something similar but my armor script was extending Object Reference instead of armor. Works now!


As a follow up question what happens when you try to access a none in papyrus? Would the game crash in this case if ScriptRef was none?

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No problem. The game won't crash but will throw errors in the log. You can account for that in the script though if you're worried about it.

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
    TM_ArmorScript ScriptRef = akTarget.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as TM_ArmorScript 
    If ScriptRef != None 
        If ScriptRef.BrokenArmor != None
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