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I have the crashing problem too. So I tried process of elimination taking out mods one at a time until I only had one mod left and it still crashed no matter what single mod I installed so I know its not a question of load order or conflicts. It just crashes to desktop whenever any mods are installed.

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  • 2 months later...

Dragonborn is like skyrim,, random ctd's, Just ctd when I looted a Drauge in the temple. And I have all the relevant patches. So it's a typical Elder Scrolls game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having EXACTLY the same problem as yelsmirg. And By the way, nobody speaks. Not even Ralof and Lokir. And Generall Tullius doesn't sit on his horse as he is supposed zo, he glitches around in front of it. Then, in front of Helgen's entrance, there is a sort of traffic jam due to a closed door, causing the game to crash. I admit I couldn't stop laughing about that at the first times, but now that I dont see any way out of this I am kinda desperate.


By the way, only two "mods" cause the game to crash this way. Hearthfire and Dawnguard. Dragonborn seems to be working, or at least doesn't make the game crash, although I have to admit I didn't check out wether I can travel to Solstheim or not.


Well, I suppose I'd really be happy with some help, so if anybody has an idea...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

im having a problem where im outside of whiterun near pelegia farms and if i go any closer to the stables, my game closes and sends me to the desktop. i dont know why, i deleted mods, downloaded the TESSEDIT and its still closing?

ha! no way. I'm having the exact same bug. If you find why let me know. I'm happy to share more info about my crash.

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