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How do I create a new race to the existing characters?


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Good man, I finally managed create my new vampire race. Far more powerful than common vampires, by creation kit, as result of method you taught me. I duplicated the file "Nordics" instead of "Nordic Vampires", because all my characters that I modified are only Nordics, and not "Nordic vampires", where only members are (Serena, Babette, Harkon and Valerica). But, I had a problem, I could not change the race of my characters by creation kit because their appearance are unconfigured. So I went for "TES5Edit". Each NPC has the name of their race? I searched my characters, I saw that all are nordics, so I changed the their race, typing the codes of my new race, and after I closed the program and saved the my change. When I returned to the creation kit, all my characters that I want change was already as "Nordic Valkihar Family".
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