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Mod to raise ground with less stone?


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I wasted A LOT of stone trying to raise ground when theres a more efficient way of doing it.

You need to view the ground in square blocks.

Building in North, West South East directions is better than raising at an angle.

Raising ground ontop of where you just raised (like pancakes) is where the stone is really wasted. (usually you can get the same effect by standing higher than the location you want to raise and using 'flatten ground' (which will pull the ground up.

If you raise at the edge of a 'square block' it will pull up the ground a squareblock forward and (usually) upwards making it easy to make indestuctable walls.


Took me a week and a half of game time before i realised how it works lol


When you are building upwards the ground will eventually drop down since there is a set distance between the base ground and the 'bedrock' ground, however Ive just installed 'hightmap unlimited' so I can raise and lower the ground as much as I like. Building stuff is my main draw to this game and its a pain in the arse when you hit bedrock or the artifical ocean island wont raise up high enough to avoid the massive waves.

Edited by ChloeModz
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