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A weird request...


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Hello everyone, I have a request, because it look strange that no one never thinked about it earlier or the nexus deleted every mods about it...

I'll love if someone can make a Nemesis mask, from the Resident Evil Serie.
I saw a mod about mutant retextures with his face, but I dont understand WHY the nexus deleted it and let rifles from other games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Guns from Resident Evil, and other stuff on.

As I said in the Skyrim forum, I have no experience at all about modeling and texturing. Moding in general to be precise. I'm just one of the thousand users who ask for things and hope someone, one day, will make it.

Why a Nemesis ?


Because I started to play again on fallout, the post apocalyptic environnement made me think a lot about Resident evil, much more with the Zombie Apocalypse mod.

I made a Tyrant type characer. 1.3 scale, and the only think I miss is the Nemesis look / stuff to make the T-Type Nemesis Rampage !

Why the mask/head and not the full body ?

Of course it will be a real dream if someone want to make the coat and other cloths and all the stuff around him, like the rocket launcher, the minigun etc. But I dont think someone will be attracted by all that work. In first place, only the head will be enough for me. As I'm not a skilled mod-maker at all, I can't imagine how much work it represent.

If you want some screens, just go on google image and search "nemesis" "T-Type Nemesis" , you know, that thing who walk in the street at the night and shout "Stars" all along ? ^^

I'll be really glad if someone can handle the task of making it, really.

Thanks for your time !

Ps: Sorry about my writing mistakes, english is not my first language, I learned it by myself. (Thanks video games <3)

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