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Ai Assisted Animation - WIP


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omg this is going to be one of my favourite mods ever



Re: the eating, I don't think there are any mods that currently play the animation while seated, so if you could do that it'd be brill.

It does either standing or sitting depending on if your sitting or not if your sitting then you will still sit and play the animation if you standing same thing same with book reading


On another side note animations were added for Lockpicking, Corpse searching and also a generic container animation (Barrels, Draws, Chests all those goodies.)

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Finally worked out how to detect where a items position is in relation to the player (Only took one papyrus line fancy that.) so moving onto pickup scenes (I will probably only add a ground pick up one alone and leave everything else as vanilla just to not constantly force the player to be rooted to the spot.)

EDIT: Decided on a name something nice and simple, also straight to the point Animated Interaction :wink:

EDIT2: Changed how Animations and objects are related, Currently working on fixing a bit of camera jitter caused when some animated interactions fire.

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One thing that'd be quite good, is a hotkey that plays an animation from a select list (Perhaps make it editable in the MCM?), much like the now defunct "Dovahkiin Can Relax Too" mod.

Perhaps make it so that hotkeys can be asigned for certain animations? For example; "[" when pressed, would play that "lookfar" idle. hotkeys that are interchangeable with idles...YUSH!


Keep up the fancy work.

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Accidentally stumbled across a way to allow the player to cancel an animation and not root them to the spot forcefully (Moving cancels the animation though which in turn stops the scene which in turn means the object isn't activated.) so swapping a lot of the interactions that I can over (Currently only a lot since I can't get this to work for all animations, working on a few possibilities for it to effect all though).


Exploring The Idle manager (Animations) and testing a few things


@FiftyTifty - I was going to add a hotkey in for just a few select animations (Sit on ledge, Sit Cross legged, Wall Lean, Counter leans those sort of special NPC things. However I need to work on a detection script for those before I add them in and that will take a fair amount of time.) I might try to make a generic one later.

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bilotheretard, on 01 May 2013 - 13:25, said:

bilotheretard, on 01 May 2013 - 13:25, said:

So is there ANYTHING you can't do? Why has no one even come close to doing this before? I actually would prefer an option to keep the realism even during combat. Or is that a technical problem?

Idles don't seem to play properly during combat (Guessing something overrides them I mean I can Force send Animation events if I really wanted but that could potentially screw up the player's Animation Graph which is no good, also why I am trying to do everything I can without too much scripting.) so I am leaving that out for now... but Maybe something down the road to try?


As for what I can't do... Well that's a good question I am sure there are many things I couldn't do.


and finally as for why no ones done this before... IDK but then again I could see why no one has I have to work with not only interactions but Perks, Scenes, ObjectReferences, The Render Window, Parenting, Creating new Idle Entries to allow the player to play certain Animations, Furniture, Packaging (Much Much packaging Player input isn't as varied as an NPCs which can interact with a wider variety of objects easily as they have a larger pool of variables most of my interactions are powered by packaging along with Scenes) and of course a bit of scripting.(Different interactions work better via different methods some are simple straight up play idle activate, others are slightly more complex)


OH and I decide to modify Chain Pulling so the hand will always line up with the Chain though you may notice they are in slightly different places then the originals (Which are still there they are just invisible (Disabled via a reverse parent) so if you remove the mod they will just pop back into existence and you can use them again (Also if something comes up and you can't get it to work the console can be used to disable the new pull chain and the original will become enabled, you know just in case something breaks you never know. This is done with zero scripting involved as well.) So that's that all solved.


Camera jittering was fixed to the best I could do (The camera does lock during certain animations).


Moving onto Trying to fix the door activation getting the player rooted to the spot.


EDIT: Door activation will continue to root the player to the spot but tapping E again will unroot you (and cancel the animation) it's the best I can do with my knowledge of Creation kit but I find it in a way fitting.


Earlier on I mentioned:


"Accidentally stumbled across a way to allow the player to cancel an animation and not root them to the spot forcefully (Moving cancels the animation though which in turn stops the scene which in turn means the object isn't activated.) so swapping a lot of the interactions that I can over (Currently only a lot since I can't get this to work for all animations, working on a few possibilities for it to effect all though)."

I was a little premature with that....The way I did stumble across is faulty at best and sometimes even causes the player to be rooted permanently (Animations ftl *sighs*) ...which of course is no good but I still have one more little thing to try before I give up on this completely and it involves a bit of scripting but hopefully it will work out the way I think it will, if not I will be out of ideas and will find another way to stop animations (More then likely just a Tap the Action button again to cancel)


EDIT2: Nvm *sighs*

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A quick update I have decided to start from a fresh base for the final build which I plan to release and will do one animated interaction at a time over the past few days I have been working on the sleeping interaction and the sleeping ui.

EDIT: Also worked out a fix for the fused eye bug after sleeping so don't worry about that.

EDIT2: Spent the past few days moving to a new house and so haven't had a chance to work on the mod.

EDIT3: Still unpacking should be continuing on the mod next week once everything's sorted.

EDIT4: Everything's Unpacked and raring to go back to working on the mod. First up is to be polishing the bed interaction, after much debating( and testing) I decided the least buggy way of implementing this is to actually use the original sleep UI, but I have made modifications to how the interaction takes place and I will re-post the bed interaction video in a few days of the new interaction. I also spent much time on general purpose scripts (They are sort not very heavy at all and only used on occasion) for Fading, Camera angles, switching camera views, and also allow for the user to decide a preference of First or Third person (The preference only works when it's possible to do so, if the animation requires a certain PoV or will screw up due to wrong camera positioning there will be no choice and it will enforce the PoV I have setup.) Once this bed interaction is perfected (In my eyes and as far as my skill can take me) the other interactions should fall into place fairly rapidly.

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