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Bringing Thorald GreyMane and Eisa Blackthorn Back as followers


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In my series of mods to bring one off characters back into the Skyrim world like Karita the Pilgrim . I have Thorald GreyMane and Eisa Blackthorn as standalone mods but, they are lacking personality that I am unable to add and I am out of ideas. So I need co-creators to help. Anyone willing to assist would be appreciated. I have limited time to work on them alone. Richard



http://24.media.tumblr.com/82d30e85554746c35bcbe658f5f5ba55/tumblr_mlyocwX2Fz1sote0jo1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/6b4fb3cf262b8196ec7fd7db49c46c53/tumblr_mlyoegLUXg1sote0jo1_500.jpg

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