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[Request] Gameplay Look


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Can someone manage to pull out a script that lets you have 2 visible weapons on the back, a pistol on the right and the sword on the left. I want to be able to to press [1] to equip a pistol, press [2] to unequip the pistol and equip the rifle, hold [1] to unequip the pistol... and so on. When you equip the weapons in the Pip Boy you actually equip the slots, the bigger guns use 2 slots on the back. A GoW look would be quite nice, plus there are so many weapon mods and you can't enjoy them all - this mod would help.


PS: Did no one started a project to fix the damned animations 'cause the walk/run looks awful ?


Please post opinions, I can't be the only one who thought of this kind of mod.


Thank you for your patience!

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