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Mods at multiplayerserver


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Hey guys,

I have the following problem:


My friends and me are playing Valheim in Multiplayer hosted by an external provider.


Some of my friends installed the mods "BepinEx" and also "Planting Plus".

Plating Plus gives the player the abilitiy to replant and regrow plants like thistle.

Also, they can modifie the remaining time until the next harvest.


So, my friend did set the time for regrowing thistle( he did this in his own client, not in the server files!!) to 2 Minutes. But usually, they need some hours to get harvested again.

Now he can harvest each 2 minutes the thistle.



Is there any possibility to prevent this "cheating"?


Kind regards,



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Unfortunately due to how the game works, even in multiplayer or with a dedicated server, nearly everything is handled client side. If the plant spawns work like most things, whoever enters the area first becomes the 'owner' client and controls that areas effects and spawns, with the area ownership being handed off to another nearby client when they leave the area. Unless the author of Planting Plus wants to implement Mod Config Enforcer support, each player is free to configure their mod however the wish with little consequence.

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