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Model Help (3DS Max)


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NOTE: If you suggest that I look at a tutorial I will disregard your post. I have been through several tutorials and all of them result in the same issue I've been having. I cannot stress enough how very very angry I will be if I'm told to go look at a tutorial.



Anyway, rant over. Now, my issue is this:


I had been working on this model by myself for a month or so before I finally got to the point where I was comfortable enough with it that I wanted to put it in game to see how it would look, so I could touch it up, resize, do whatever I had to do to get the model looking as I wanted it to in-game. This is where I ran into a gigantic roadblock, in that no matter how I try to do it my model simply won't show up in-game.


At first the model just crashed the game when I tried to look at it, but then after hacking at the .nif for a while I managed to get it to where it just displayed a big red diamond instead. But from there I'm at a loss. Granted I haven't worked on this in about 2 months, so have no idea where the nif i've uploaded here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7040/ (Its the WIP file clearly) is at exactly. However I do know that for me at least the model still just shows the red diamond.


If anyone can help me work through this issue I would be eternally grateful. Once I can get the model working in-game, and understand why it wasn't for that matter, I can do the rest. Its just that without the ability to get it working in-game (very much less looking good in-game) I really can't go anywhere with this mod of mine, which sucks, because this is the one thing holding me back from taking the mod forward and doing all of the fun things I've always wanted to do, but never had the security in doing when I was having to rely on other people's models and modelling talents.


The uploaded file is the .nif version, which is where the problem lies AFAIK.

Edited by imperistan
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Well i had a glance at your nif file and noticed a few issues that need to be fixed.


Your mesh needs to be contained in a nitrishape branch and replace the nitrishape property which all belongs to the BSfadenode branch. note if this does not make sense then look at the nif property structure of a vanilla weapon.

You should get rid of the nimaterialproperty under your nitrishape titled "inv"

You also need to change the number of uv sets from 1 to 4097.

If you have anymore issues just give a post.

Edited by Amasido
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How would I go about changing the UV set number? I'm looking through the nif and I'm not seeing where I can change 1 to 4097.

I got rid of nimaterialproperty.


And I moved the nitrishape (the one that highlights the mesh) under the bsfadenode as well as the one for the holder. Hopefully thats what you meant.

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I should also mention your uv map contains overlays and isn't laid out optimally and I know you don't want to be told but tutorials with this stuff can help you a lot. If you want me to recommend some that explain this process in a better manner I would be happy to do so.

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Lol, well, I can see it now, but only if its enchanted. Nonenchanted it still shows up as invisible, but with the enchantment shaders I can see the model outline. Funnily enough, I don't even have to touch the model anymore. Perfectly placed and sized and all that.


But anyway, it would appear to me this is purely a texture issue at this point.



And yes I was pretty much aware of the UV issues. That was the part I hadn't really focused on. I was pretty hellbent on just seeing the model in-game and now that I have (sort of) I can move forward. Although, looking at it I don't necessarily see any overlays, and as far as the layout goes as far as I remember I was trying to keep the main parts of the hammer all together. IE, all the head parts in one texture, all the handle parts together, etc. But either way yes, any help on getting that sorted out would be appreciated. (Though I think we may still have an issue with the .nif as I'm pretty sure the texture should still display despite the fact they're not in perfect condition)


As I said, I can do the pure texturing part myself. Its just this model stuff that's the hard part.



This is what I can see in-game: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/238671

for reference

Edited by imperistan
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