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Poor Merchants


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Is there ne way i can make the traders have more cahs in the game cause i have around 100ks worth of stuff and i cant sell it , i know of the mud crab but i cant be bothered to do the resting/selling/buying technique. I have also tried the rich traders mod by jazz singh but it doesnt work.


Any Ideas?

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I think there are several 'richer traders' mods. There is one that gives enchanters large budgets too and Galbedir is all but a trader. (She buys weapons and armour). But to be honest, if you are going to cheat, you might just as well give yourself the money using the console. If it makes you feel better, lose the items you intended to sell and only give yourself a fair price.


If you have Tribunal, the merchants in Mournhold have larger budgets. Armourer - 10000, Trader 8000 etc. Alternatively don't rest, use some of the money to train - 12 trainings will equal one day.


This way you increase skills, levels and money without that annoying 'resting' period.


Strangely, I've never found myself short of money for what I want to do. The Imperial Legion quests in Ebonheart will give you three full sets of Indoril armour 'legitimately'. If you don't mind taking some loss you can sell to Galbedir, Meldor, Wayn and Thorek in Balmora, and Hodlismond and the Creeper in Caldera netting 11,700 every day for the cost of using the Balmora guild guide. If you spend 3000 on training each day it still quickly builds up.


Tip - when you want Galbedir to enchant an item, barter with her first so her budget is not the usual 900. Then she will add whatever you pay for the enchantment and be able to buy those daedric wakizashis etc off you. afterwards so you get it all back. If you don't the money you pay her is not added to her budget.


Hope this helps.


PS Don't increase your Mercantile skills. Although you can buy things cheaply, for some odd reason - a bug? - you get poor prices for what you sell. (Except for Creeper/Mudcrab that is).

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yeah im not really short of money but i want to get rid of this stuff i have and it seems a shame to throw it, and it also seems a bit stupid to me that the traders in morrowind are that poor :|

get that palace mod it places a nice mansion in ald-ruhn there are some nice storage options in that house has some display tables some nice closets

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Btw Malchik, about that mercantile issue. I think they did it consciously, cause if you could buy low and sell high with high mercantile skill, you would eventually get more money from selling an item then buying it, in which case you could buy and sell one item over and over again and make money that way. It would be taking a merchant's gold without him getting something in return, which is not very realistic. It is already possible with items that cost very little, but that takes a lot of time.
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