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Lighting Effects and IKEA


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I've seen some really swell furniture on my adventures...


I know you can put containers in containers, but can you find objects and stash them in a box and then pull them out in camp?


I was expecting company, and I wanted to help decorate and set the mood....


I'm kinda in over my head and should pay more attention to schoolwork.

I can generally figure out some stuff by unpaking other people's mods and have found the multi-mod tool somewhat helpful but also still somewhat intimidating.


Has anyone started a mod with furniture for the camp?


Has anyone played around with adding lighting effects to objects for "mood" ?



I can handle "some assembly required" IKEA style, but this is still a little beyond my current understanding.

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Your carrying capacity mod = great


Unfortunately some of objects I want to add can't be carried in inventory... they can be thrown or moved by dragging around.

Others just don't seem to be easy to interact with other than the beds to lay on or some light sources that you can only turn on or off or destroy.


I experimented with giving them to the skeleton merchant but that didn't seem to work for sale or pickpocket... but I may have done something wrong.


I think summoning may be a better option than I had previously considered.

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