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Please help - game trying to read old scripts that aren't there&#3


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So I'm not entirely sure how to even describe this problem. Basically, I have about a dozen .psc files for the mod I'm working on. Some I haven't touched in days and up until today were behaving normally.

Today after writing some code in a couple of them, weird things started happening. I noticed I wasn't getting the right debug messages when my quest started that should have come from OnStart() (the quest is starting though).

After checking the debug logs, it became clear the the game was, somehow, using or reading from old versions of my scripts; I saw messages like:

warning: Property myDummyChest on script hsmbrewerscript attached to (0700BE27) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

Well the reason it "no longer contains" the myDummyChest property is because I deleted that property from the script days ago, compiled it days ago, and for the past several says it has worked fine. Then all of a sudden today I am getting tons of messages like the one above, and my updated scripts I worked on aren't firing their new functions and claiming that they don't have them.

I did not move any script files around or anything. The one thing I did do was *copy* the .psc and .pex files I have into another folder for back up (which I've done several times before).

I checked to make sure the correct versions were still in the .../data/script folder. I tried deleting all the .pex files and recompiling to generate new ones. I tried running the CK with all the files removed, re-adding, recompiling, and re-running the CK hoping this would reset a bunch of stuff. Still when I play the game, it behaves as if it's reading old script files.

I hope I described my problem well enough for someone to point me in the right direction...how do I fix this...help!

EDIT: Also, I use SublimeText to write/compile my scripts (recommended program from the wiki).

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The thing about "Property" is... you can't just delete it from the script.


You need to go to the Property page, CLEAR that property so that it is now containing NOTHING, then SAVE the mod. Then, you can delete that property from the script.


The quick-fix to your problem is to redefine that property. It may or may not contain your previous values. If it does, just clear it.


Then save the mod, then delete it again from the script.


Just remember to save immediately after deleting.

Edited by elite403
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