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Some interesting details about the family Volkihar


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Why Serana and her family do not die when they are exposed to the sun, but only weaken his powers?

The Volkihar are the most powerful race of vampires throughout Tamriel, their powers are granted by the Molag Bal, for being the most powerful, They are practically almost immune to the sun, because they do not die when they are exposed to daylight. Only force and magic powers are reduced. But the Vampires Sanguinares (Vampires common) are destroyed when they come into contact with the sun (because not see any during the day).

A silly comparison: "Vampires Sanguinares" are like a vampire's unfinished project. They do not compare to the real vampires and powerful of blue blood. So the sun or fire are able to kill them easily. The real vampires (vampires even, of elite) only weaken when exposed to these elements, but they do not die. They can go out in the sunlight, but are aware that they can not use all of its powers during the day. Harkon hate this limitation, he wants to get rid of the tyranny of the sun to be constantly powerful.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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