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Stopping combat and then initiating it again


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What would be the best way to do this?


Is there an auto complete tool that will bring up all the availiable methods in classes?


I tried self.StopCombat()
and StopCombat()


which seems to work because they were used as examples in other threads.


Also, does the creation kit automatically come with skse support, and where is a great resource for papyrus documentation? I already use http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus


edit: Another question, how do I force player to their knees?


I am trying to make a yield/surrender mod.

Edited by soldierkilt
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To get player to stop combat, I'd imagine the line would be




Self.StopCombat() refers to the script ("self"), not player. Player is "Actor 00000014". Self.StopCombat() would probably work if this was a script that extended ReferenceAlias (in a quest), and the alias actually is the player.


As for the get on the knees, you need to find the animation ID in the CK and then make a property to it. I can't recall the command offhand but it would be something like:




Look in the creationkit.com under "Actor Script" ... should list all the commands available for actors.


Or, you could use AI packages like many people do and tag those to quest stages. It's really up to you how you want to implement it.

Edited by elite403
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