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Purge Cell Buffers On Every Loading!


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Hi, I came here to make a mod request. There is a mod for Oblivion called "Purge Cell Buffers" I'll quote the description:


"Purge Cell Buffers - Loading
This version will purge cell buffer after every loading screen, the amount can be decrease or increased by typing Set PCBCount to ## into the console, replace ## with any number you want, so setting it to 5 will make it need 5 loading screens before cell buffers are purged (set it to 0 or 1 to make it purge at every loading screen). This was done to avoid speech being cut off due to the purge cell buffer command, highly recommend using this version, if you're not using any texture packs set PCBCount to 5 or so."


The mod can be found here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/9139


A mod like this for Skyrim would help me and others immensely! I currently have Skyrim on RAMDisk, so even if I have to load everything at every loading I have nearly no loading time at all and it would allow me to get even more mods without the game crashing due to cumulative stuff on the ram.


Please! Someone out there with the knowledge, make it happen!

Thank You!

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Actually, this is not recommended for Skyrim. Someone did convert an 'auto-PCB' mod from FO3 early in Skyrim's life cycle (running on a timer) but people reported it tended to break continually running scripts and scripted 'scenes.' Setting it to every 5 (or however many) cell transitions is not going to remedy that problem (which is why the mod has been removed by the author). You are better of doing this manually (and infrequently) in interior cells where you know nothing is going on, setting up a one push console command using AutoHotKey. But the game should run just fine without manual PCB unless you've fiddled with memory tweaks in the game ini files. Edited by ripple
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I can see how it can cause problems, IF, when it purge's, your outside in the middle of gameplay, however if the purge is not on timer but on a loading it's much safer. The game already does this in a few situations like fast traveling, entering towns, certain dungeons and certain houses, I simply want to increase it to every loading.

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I simply want to increase it to every loading.


You can already do that. Just add this to your skyrim.ini:





But like I said, it generated problems for a lot of users. In fact, that's why an auto-PCB mod running on a timer was initially introduced for FO3 (can't recall if we had one for Oblivion).

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Ok... the bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 does actually work, but not like I would like it to, it doesn't actually purge everything when you enter a building like the pcb command does. For example when I enter Jorrvaskr I'm on 2.7 ram usage if I then use pcb it goes down to 1.7, a sigh that even with bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 it doesn't forget the city outside, and another thing is that bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 purges not on the actual loading screen but while your playing in the exterior witch probably will break things like scrips and all that, and that's why I want wanted a mod that pcb's ONLY on a actual loading screen, like entering a building.


But yeah... I'll play skyrim for a bit to see if some problems arise and thanks for the "bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1", didn't actually know about it and it does work :biggrin:.


By the way, still looking for that awesome mod that actually "pcb's" on A loading screen and not on cell transitions on the exterior where scripts are running.(Just like entering a city....PURGE EVERYTHING! :biggrin:)

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Xilante, on 01 May 2013 - 08:17, said:

Wouldn't that break quests, scripts and pretty much anything?

The 'common symptoms' reported by users for all the auto-PCB mods since FO3 was that some quest related scripted scenes would not 'trigger', running scripts would sometimes mysteriously halt, and of course the 'voice dialogue getting cut off' issue. These were problems reported starting with FO3. Aside from Cipsis' auto-PCB mod that was running on a timer, there was a more extensive auto-PCB mod for FO3 that attempted to mitigate such issues by disabling the PCB script in very specfic situations and locations. No one has attempted to reproduce such a monumental project since, and I haven't read anything that discussed in detail what impact this may have for papyrus scripting. but I did read some users complaining about the auto-PCB mod conversion for Skyrim (not by Cipsis) -allegedly- 'corrupting' their savegames.


ATM, it's really better to do this manually, if you have to do it at all. I use to have an AutoHotKey script for this, when I had my old GPU and had to fiddle with memory usage tweaks in the game ini files to sustain playable framerate (which I don't recommend users fiddle with unless they have a below-requirement or just barely meets minimum requirements system spec). Without using PCB after every 4 or 5 cell transitions, my game would become sluggish and occasionally CTD. Since getting a new GPU and reverting to stock ini settings, I haven't had that problem.

Edited by ripple
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