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Serious Problems with ENB! Need help!


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I've changed everything to your recommendations, but still the same thing...


I've noticed something else though. Whenever I'm in-game, and I load up and the error occurs...When I go outside, the ENB will disable those 3 options ( SSAO, Image Based Lighting or Reflection), and the game will continue without a problem. Is it a normal thing that ENB will disable these 3 options without me doing it?

After ENB automatically turns these 3 options off, I can't turn them on again. Is this information any help?


Judging by my screenshot, I'm not forcing AA through CCC correct?

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Something is silly in ENB.... have you opened a post on ENB forums as well? ENB Bugs forum --> http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=2a45a9802a0939d04198ac71674a0452


You should post there specifics on what is happening, and that it happens on Vanilla skyrim, post all the details you have (System / Windows / VGA / VGA Drivers / Settings) and screenie...


I do not know beyond this point where it goes south when this is happening on a Vanilla game with the default ENB as provided on the ENB website...


ENB should not auto change settings afaik...

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Hey! I've been in contact with Boris and he pointed me towards a problem with SMAA. So I disabled the SMAA in-game (I wasn't aware of the fact that it was hardware AA) and guess what? It worked! But now....Check these pics: SMAA ON, FXAA ON, ENB effects OFF http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r769/Shredy777/SMAAFXAAnoeffects_zpse627bf50.jpg http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r769/Shredy777/SMAAFXAAnoeffects3_zpsdf8c2384.jpg




As comparison: NO SMAA, FXAA, ENB effects ON






I can't really see much of a difference, can you?

Edited by Shredy777
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ENB looks like crap if you turn the effects off... just use effects...

I read the post over on ENB forums... apperantly you had AA enabled in Skyrim causing all this...


Please use the ENB as it's intended to be used and dont mess with the effect settings which are pre-set by the author, leaving all as it was when you downloaded the ENB mod from Nexus... the author of this ENB might not of intended people to start enabling effects which he has not configured properly.


if you want to configure your own ENB with effects you should start from scratch and use the vanilla ENB of your choice (not a Nexus downloaded pre-configured one).


Basically the only settings you should touch are the strenght of effects (not the on/off switches) and the lines under ENVIRONMENT, SKY, FIRE, VOLUMETRIC FOG, PARTICLE, etc...


Try not to touch EFFECT, as those triggers (on/off) are linked to other files which come with enb (.fx files) and enabling something that is not enabled by the author of that ENB preset might have unexpected results.

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It's a mess.

Looks like Interior Ambient light is turned down completely. Also the colors are messed up... which ENB pallete is that (maybe the mod comes with multiple?). Bloom value is too high, and you Skyrim in-game brightness is set too high as well.


Which ENB is that? Do you have a link?

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As for ENB... I use my own right now, so cannot really help you with presets but this one is highly regarded by a lot of people... the one you're using right now seems to be configured wrong. Probably has a lot to do with the .dll file that enbseries.ini refers to and that you say you dont have.


Try this one instead.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20781 (Project ENB)

You need these ENB files: http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0119.htm (v0.119) and only put from the wrapper folder the d3d9.dll into your skyrim folder, ignore the other files in that download.

Make sure you have modified your skyrimprefs.ini..
iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3 //dont use 5 as suggested on that page

(these changes are required for ANY ENB mod - especially bFloatPointRenderTarget=1)


Copy the mod into your Skyrim folder and go play.

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The files you use... your enbseries.ini that you posted, this is not what is on ENB forums under his mod... the file is different... I hope you are not taking files from 1 ENB and using it with another, or overwriting files supplied by author with vanilla files downloaded from ENB's download section



I dunno how you did it, but I would suggest you remove this ENB from your system and start over following exact instructions in that thread and reading it all through.

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I just installed your ENB mod. This is what we have now:







Here we go...Do you think this is better? (I followed the installation guide to the letter, also turned down in-game brightness to 0 as suggested by you and the author)

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