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Serious Problems with ENB! Need help!


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Looks a lot better, you can try and fine tune lighting interior and exterior by playing with Direct Lighting, Ambient Lighting & Point Lighting... as for the screenies above you might want to reduce Bloom strenght settings on interior to make it less Bloom-ish, unless you like the effect. Also point light seems a bit on the high side... you can also play with desaturation levels if you dont like the very high saturation level (comming closer to your Cinematic ENB posted earlier)


But you know... settings all those are very personal, so please do what you like most :smile:... try not to make too big changes to the day/night exterior settings if you have CoT installed as CoT heavy overcast and heavy rain are detected by ENB as being night. If you use CoT and you think Night is too bright or too dark I would suggest you do not change that with ENB but rather install one of the optional night darkness .esp's offered by the CoT installation... If you dont use CoT weathers, then no worries and no headaches :P

Edited by prod80
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Sure.. when Skyrim is loaded (or not, doesn't matter) then open this file in your Skyrim directory ....wait... let me download that ENB and have a look inside enbeffect.fx




First please make a backup of enbeffect.fx in your Skyrim folder...


Now open the file enbeffect.fx


You can see on the top of the file that it will use POSTPROCESS 2

// ENB - values could be 1, 2, 3 or 4. v4 gives unrealistic, kind of artwork style, v5 is added by HD6
	#define POSTPROCESS	2

Now when you scroll down in the file, you can find this process

//POSTPROCESS v2 by ENB (modifications and tweaks by Bronze316)

	float	EBrightnessV2Day=1.0;
	float	EAdaptationMinV2Day=0.10;
	float	EAdaptationMaxV2Day=0.15;
	float	EToneMappingCurveV2Day=16.0;
	float	EIntensityContrastV2Day=1.475;
	float	EColorSaturationV2Day=1.6;
	float	EToneMappingOversaturationV2Day=6187.5;

	float 	HCompensateSatV2Day = 3.125;
	float	EBrightnessV2Night=1.0;
	float	EAdaptationMinV2Night=0.04;
	float	EAdaptationMaxV2Night=0.06;
	float	EToneMappingCurveV2Night=16.0;
	float	EIntensityContrastV2Night=1.475;
	float	EColorSaturationV2Night=2;
	float	EToneMappingOversaturationV2Night=2475.0;

	float 	HCompensateSatV2Night = 1;
	float	EBrightnessV2Interior=1.0;
	float	EAdaptationMinV2Interior=0.04;
	float	EAdaptationMaxV2Interior=0.06;
	float	EToneMappingCurveV2Interior=16.0;
	float	EIntensityContrastV2Interior=1.475;
	float	EColorSaturationV2Interior=2;
	float	EToneMappingOversaturationV2Interior=2475.0;

	float 	HCompensateSatV2Interior = 0.875;

Here you already see the variable "EColorSaturationV2Day" under DAY which is now set to 1.6 ... lower it to 1.2 (just to try) --> Save & Close file


ALT-TAB back to skyrim and hit Backspace on your keyboard to reload ENB effects. This should apply this change (I've noticed that sometimes the change is already applied when I alt-tab back to Skyrim)...

See if that helps.


Edit: I assume you understand that the above change only applies to Exteriors during Daytime... others are for Night/Interiors... Also take care adjusting Nights as Mornings and heavy weather are also (party) considered Night by ENB.


When messing with these files, please make sure you have backups, or you will hit yourself later on when you make a screw-up and you have to go back to the orginal...........

Edited by prod80
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Seems to work for exteriors/day. Interiors I can can't see a difference.....pretty weird. Also when I adjust the color saturation, the water will stay wayyy to blue.



What if you love ENB preset X for its effects and lighting, and ENB Y for its colors and vibe....Is there a way to implement the color settings of ENB Y to ENB X?

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Seems to work for exteriors/day. Interiors I can can't see a difference.....pretty weird. Also when I adjust the color saturation, the water will stay wayyy to blue.



What if you love ENB preset X for its effects and lighting, and ENB Y for its colors and vibe....Is there a way to implement the color settings of ENB Y to ENB X?


Not easily... as you can see in the enbeffects.fx there's a bunch of code connected to colors. Not easy to combine setting X and Y into something that pleases you, unless you fully understand what it does.


For interiors, you have to adjust Saturation levels under Interior, not Day. But besides that, first try from inside the in game ENB menu to set light desaturation levels higher for interior (ambient, direct and point light). This will desaturate the (mostly) yellow interior light sources, perhaps that is easier.


Blue water (do you use a water mod?) can be caused by a combination of mods... especially water mods in combination with Climates of Tamriel.

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I use W.A.T.E.R. in comb with CoT. But never had this before. But I fixed it...Had something to do with reflection of ENB.


Well...I can program in C++ and Pascal...Object Oriented programming....It's just that I've never worked with 3D or visual applications. I always write hard code for complex mathematical systems. A lot of algorithm work. I work on AI, distributed systems, ACT-R architectures, catastrophe/chaos models, neural networking, cognitive modelling, parallel processing etc. Never worked on visual applications. This is all new for me. But I very much appreciate your help!


BTW, what does the color palette do? The ENBpalette file...

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