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Easiest way for instant respawn?


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I'm trying to think of ways to instantly respawn an NPC as soon as it dies. Not resurrect the same NPC, create a duplicate.


The only thing I can think of would be creating a unique cell just for the NPC, call the NPC out of the cell with a quest, "NPC.MoveTo(SpawnLoc)".

And on the NPC, add a script with something like:

Event OnDeath(Blah Blah)
If GetStage < (stage)

Or is there a better way to do this? I couldn't find a "respawn" Function and came across reset while searching for one. If this won't work, is there any way to do it?

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Instead you can use PlaceActorAtMe:


Scriptname TM_ActorScript extends Actor

Int Property Stage Auto
Quest Property MyQuest Auto 
ObjectReference Property SpawnLoc Auto

Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) 
    If MyQuest.GetStage() < Stage
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