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Interface Changes?


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Is it possible to modify the interface for explosions, LOS, cover or pathing? What would it take?



1) Some visual indicator of units in the hit zone, maybe they turn red or are otherwise indicated, it's currently so hard to tell what units will be hit.

2) The game already has friendly fire turning the area of effect yellow, can we turn it red when the path is blocked. I've lost entire I/I campaigns where I'm messing with a rocket path and think I've found the optimal path and instead whiff one into a car.

3) Some way to indicate what will happen to cover in the area of the explosion? I've had entire heavy cover blocks (like on grand cemetary) die from 1 grenade or some low cover (fountains on boulevard) remain completely uneffected by grenades. It'd be great to know the impact of yoru planned actions.



1) remaining cover HP - I know cover has HP, it sure would be nice to see that hp

2) Is it possible to have fog of war only impact units? I'd love to be able to see the available cover across the entire map.



1) Is it possible to control pathing at all? I really, really don't want my characters running over trucks/roofs when I don't need them to be.

2) Is it possible to indicate a unit's LOS from a potential movement option. Such that if I'm considering moving a unit to a square, it'd be possible to display the unit's LOS at the destinations square?

3) Is it possible to indicate current LOS? I can never tell if some random low cover car or single tree blocks my sniper's LOS from miles away. The rules for what cover can be seen through seem really random.


Enemy Hit %

Is it possible to add an enemy hit % somewhere? Maybe as they're firing, or in the "show info" tab or both?



1) Is it possible to modify their miss percentage to 0? Too game breaking when they miss.

Edited by FilthyRobot
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