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Help: downloaded companion crashes game


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I looked at the esp in CK and it had an unknown.esm attached that I couldn't remove. I tried to open it in TES5edit and got and error message and TES5edit closed.


I have a WIP mod you can download here . He is located in the stormcloak camp outside of Dragon Bridge. Let me know what you think.

It links directly to the file, do you have information on where he can be found, and what are his powers, etc.?

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He is the same character that you released from Northwatch Keep. He has the exact same attributes as the original, 2h warrior, heavy armor, archery. If you go to Dragon Bridge and look around with your HUD, you will see a large paw indicating a stormcloak camp. He is in that camp waiting. BTW, you can install with NMM. Just download the file and select the top button on the mod page. Remember, He is a WIP and I will consider you a beta tester so send me some feedback. When completed he will be voiced and have a few quirks. PM me if you have any problems.

Anyone else that wants to download and beta test is welcome, just let me know tha you are a tester.

Also, while I think about it. This file contains the work of other moders that I have express permission to use. And anyone that tries to pass the mod off as their own, be it Nexus, Steam, or anywhere else. I will do everything i can to show the world you are a thief and a liar.

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