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I'd like to have a mod that makes your werewolfform level with your human form. It would be nice, if it was giving you bonuses when spending much time in beastform and making them less when only in human form for a long time. Something like feedeing and starving for the vamps.


Changes when often in beastform(e.g. every second day)

-wolves don't attack you

-slightly more damage in human form

-take slightly less damage in human form

-potions have side effects because your body responds like a wolve's one

-worse prices because the people see your beasty side

-some followers might leave you

-higher bounties


All these changes would happen because you don't keep your beastside deep under the surface.

It would also be nice if there was some variation in the fur color so your beastform gets a lighter fur when in snowy regions fo a long time.


I don't know much about modding but it would be nice if some one could do this.

Edited by Deathangel95
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