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[Mod Request] Performance mods


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As of now, there is a lack of performance mods currently. I know the game is still in early access but I wish there are mods that can optimize the performance of the game before an official performance patch.

I tried to tweak a couple graphics mods like, GraphicsConfigPlus and CustomGraphicsSettings and even when i turned everything off i had lag. I run on an i5 6700k and gtx980 4gb. so i decided to ditch the graphics config mods and go with default and i'm getting 60fps on medium settings with AA and SSAO turned on. if you're using mods, know that some of them introduce lag and a performance hit even if they have nothing to do with it. an example is the Inventory Sort mod, when you got close to the chests the game would lag out. game does need some optimization, but it's not horrible as is.

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