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Mod testers wanted


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Would you be interested in testing my new mod? It places Eisa Blackthorn, encountered outside Frostmere Crypt and gives you the Pale Lady quest, back into Skyrim. The mod has to be started after the Pale Lady quest or it will double up Eisa Blackthorn. If yo are willing to test the mod you can download it here.

Please let me know of any problems encountered. Thanks

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I'd give it time, the forums aren't particularly active recently, I'd test it for you but I only have one low level char in windhelm atm. Your best bet would be PM'ing other authors/players you know to test it for you thats what I do :)

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Thanks folks, I had enough testers and the mod is now up. I have a couple of new ones coming soon, One that puts Thorald GreyMane back into Skyrim as a follower. I am working on getting him voiced so if you or anyone is interested in testing him they can pm me and I will give a download url when I feel he is ready.


Thanks for your interest

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