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Mods Broke Their Bodies


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Excuse that cryptic title, but that's about what it comes to I think. Everything was fine, but then I started up the RavenPride mod (at least that's the first time I noticed it), and people began appearing sans their torsos. They had legs and heads and I think arms, but nothing from the neck to the waist. I turned off Raven, but then I found another NPC with the same problem on an unrelated quest. Perhaps the meshes for certain garments are invalid now? Truth, I've only noticed two NPCs thusfar with that problem.


On an unrelated topic, there's something buggy with RavenPride. The wizard companion who's supposed to be with the other guy isn't even there, so I can't talk to him. Anyone have any ideas?

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The mods I'm using, in this order are:


Enhanced Weather.esm

Adrenaline Fueled Combat.esm

Kvatch Rebuilt.esm

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Enhanced Weather.esp

Enhanced Weather SI.esp

Advanced Water.esp


KotN patch

Shivering Isles.esp

Battlehorn Castle.esp

Battlehorn Unoff. Patch

Battlehorn Advanced.esp

Realistic Force (Low).esp

007's Dragonfire Trade and Transport

Dark Leather Armor

Visually Enchanted 2.1

GP Moretta.esp (From the Belle Moretta mod)

Ancient Towers

Better Benirus Manor

Dwemer Skyship 1.1.0

Slof's Horses Base

Landmarks w/ wells

New Nighteye Toggle

Xfr's Plain Surcoats

Arctic Fur

Capes and Cloaks

Dude, Where's My Horse?

New Uriel Face

Bag of Holding

Frostleaf Leather Armor


300 Brocade Outfits

Denock Arrows

Black Gloves

Visually Realistic Lava

Quick Wardrobe (which I can't actually get to work)

Clocks of Cyrodiil

A Very Silly Slaughterfish Mod

Adonnay's Ranger Coats

Let the People Drink

Kvatch Rebuilt

The rest of the Adrenaline Fueled Combat optionsl ESPs



Ravenpride and Glenvar are next on the list, though both seemed to stop working properly.


Last, is Borderless Cyrodiil


Perhaps the wardrobe mod is to blame?


I've since reinstalled Oblivion and Ravenpride, with the same result as before - broken torso attire, and the missing wizard. This is rather frustrating. Is there an additional thing I'm missing, such as a compatibility patch?

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