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Really working Home plate settlement


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Hello. if someone please, make a mod, convert home plate to a full settlement. Just the workshop. i all ready see all the mods about this i want and no one of those ..working.. for me. i use a mod expand the borders of settlements and after i use 4 scrap mods at home plate, everything there stop to exist. So after i build a very large home plate, now i want to make home plate to a full settlement, because some time i want to dismiss my companions and send them, there.


At the past i use a mod, convert home plate to a settlement and the settlers stay out of it, at Diamond city market !!


That's all. Thanks.

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This only works on PC, but if you open the console with the tilde key, type in " addkeyword 246f85 " then hit enter, it converts the Homeplate workbench to a full workbench like in a settlement. If you decide to try this, make sure you do a full save first, just in case. If you can't or don't want to do that you can try " Full featured Workbench patch " by hoge111 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41997 Sorry that's all I can think of.

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