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Wacky revolvers and haunted grave?


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I figured the title might garner more attention. 1st of all, my revolver shots are all of the place. Sometimes even directly up, Does anyone know why that's happening and how to fix it?


Secondly, and one I doubt can really be solved, is that there is a Deathclaw haunting my former grave. The first time I was just walking around killing the Radscorpions on the other side of the hill when suddenly he attacked out of nowhere. I manged to kill him, though I used a bunch of stimpacks. Then as I went down the hill two Cazadors game after me too! Not the small ones either.


I thought it was just a random occurence that they would be there, even though they're not supposed to be in the area, but later, I fast traveled back to the cemetary and the Deathclaw was there again! What the f*#@ is going on!

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The Deathclaw must have got placed there from a mod, are you using any mods like MoWars or DFB/NVEC random encounters, or even IWS? These things can happen with them, even at low levels. NVEC/DFB is usually good about that though.


If you could post a pic or vid of the revolvers having problems, I may be able to better help you with it :)

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I'm not sure how to make a pic or vid. The only mods I have on are weapon mods, save for Mission Mohave which worked perfectly fine before so I don't think it's the cause of the Dethclaw.


I've added and removed some weapons mods.(got AK 74, deleted and put it back in a little later) so it doesn't seem like they should becoming from any of them because it never came up before. It's so weird.......

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Can you post your load order? If you have FOMM you can go to "Load order" at the top and select "Copy to clipboard' and paste it straight here. Really, I wouldn't be too worried about the DeathClaw spawn, I have seen weirder things happen, it's just one of those "what the" moments hahaha. The revolvers I'd be concerned about though.

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Here's the order. The Carbine Rifle is something I'm working on.


Marksman IS 56.esp
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp

Total active plugins: 22
Total plugins: 23

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