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Idea for a small cutscene if your warden sacrifices herself....


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I'm not even certain it could be done, but if so, would be quite good. I LOVE the "Hero's sacrifice" cutscene to death because it's so emotionally packed. So here's a cutscene that could play after the warden's funeral, but before the end-scene part where it states what happens to everyone afterwards.


Alistair is sitting on the warden's bed, the very bed they shared the night before the last battle(so this would only play if the warden turned down Morrigan's dark ritual)


He looks lost, tired even. Then he gazes on to the nightstand. The rose he gave the warden is sitting there. It has not wilted and flashes of the day he gave it to her play briefly, followed by images of her laying dead after killing the Arch-demon pop up.


Alistair shakes his head, his face an expression of pain. He can't believe she's gone. Overtaken by the grief, he puts his face into his hands and sobs.


Wynne is standing in the doorway. She looks concerned and sympathetic. She walks over to Alistair and places her hand on his shoulder.


Fade to black.



Like I said, not sure if any of this could be done, but it was just an idea I had floating around in my head.

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