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I'm a New Modder; Have a Simple Problem


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I created a plugin that I'm happy with, but I modified a couple objects I ended up not needing to modify in the end. If I upload the plugin as-is, it will no-doubt conflict with mods that modify those superfluous files.


Essentially, I wanna know how to remove the asterisk and return edited objects to their default values without starting a whole new plugin. Surely this is possible, yes?


And if it's not apparent, I'm using Creation Kit to do all this.



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I honestly don't think so. Not to say that with 100% certainty. But I think the asterisk denotes modification, even if you revert it to what it was, it registers it as modified and becomes part of the mod.


Again though, I'm not 100% positive.

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I honestly don't think so. Not to say that with 100% certainty. But I think the asterisk denotes modification, even if you revert it to what it was, it registers it as modified and becomes part of the mod.


Again though, I'm not 100% positive.



Man, I just can't imagine that's the case. I mean, what if someone modified a thousand files and had 20 or-so superfluous ones here and there. They'd have to remake the entire plugin? I just can't believe Bethesda would build it like that.


But you do have some experience, it seems, so I'll take your word for it unless someone else or myself finds otherwise. Guess I gotta remake all these armors!


Thanks for the reply.

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Some of the things mentioned in there might help. I guess I don't 100% even know what "cleaning" means, but it sounds like TESVSnip might work regardless. If I end up using it instead of remaking the plugin I'll post back here.

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Some of the things mentioned in there might help. I guess I don't 100% even know what "cleaning" means, but it sounds like TESVSnip might work regardless. If I end up using it instead of remaking the plugin I'll post back here.


"Mod cleaning" means to remove unwanted modifications from your mod, I think that's what you're asking for. Don't know if TESVSnip still causes troubles for mods or if it is safe to use with newer versions. If you don't want to clean your mod with CK, better use TES5Edit instead.

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Some of the things mentioned in there might help. I guess I don't 100% even know what "cleaning" means, but it sounds like TESVSnip might work regardless. If I end up using it instead of remaking the plugin I'll post back here.


"Mod cleaning" means to remove unwanted modifications from your mod, I think that's what you're asking for. Don't know if TESVSnip still causes troubles for mods or if it is safe to use with newer versions. If you don't want to clean your mod with CK, better use TES5Edit instead.

Hm. Yep that's what I'm asking about. Exactly, in fact. I'll do this and report back. Thanks!

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