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DragonBorn - Mods that Conflict and cause Issues


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Hi Everyone,

I have been having hell with the Dragonborn DLC, mostly due to the large ammounts of mods I run. Allthough the number of mods itself is not neccicarily causing it, it certainly makes it difficult to find the guilty mod.

So I had an idea, Why not start a thread in which people can start posting the names of mods (or combinations of mods, eg - Mod A = OK Mod B = OK MOD  A+B = Crash or Glitch) they've found to cause problems with the DLC.

So, in order to help the general community of Skyrim players, lets do this!

The following list of mine has been compiled by scouring other threads, and allthough there are a lot of people having issues - not a lot of info is available as to which mods caused the issues.

UNCONFIRMED PROBLEM CAUSERS ( If you can confirm these or clear them Please post :) )

1. FNIS (New Idle Animations)
2. Climates of Tamriel
3. Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Mods known to cause trouble with Dragonborn:

Skyrim Optimization Dragonborn Patch
Shadow of Morrowind
Vurt's Flora mod
Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Hi-Res Tree Textures)
AP Skyrim

Also, it is worth mewntioning the following:

If you have set set uGridsToLoad=9, when I reset it back to 5 my game started working fine. Hope that helps.

(In order to lower your uGrids, first you need to change them to value that you used in the save (for example 7 or w/e you had), then load the save, go to an interior, edit Skyrim.ini and change uGridsToLoad=5, and then type "refreshini" in the console.)

Well there is my 2 Cents worth, please post the mods that caused issues with Dragonborn for you :p

Edited by Monkinsane
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UNCONFIRMED PROBLEM CAUSERS ( If you can confirm these or clear them Please post :smile: )

1. FNIS (New Idle Animations)
2. Climates of Tamriel
3. Realistic Lighting Overhaul

>>Those work fine together, make sure you have the DLC patches.



In general you can view compatibility lists here:


Or just use BOSS and/or TES5Edit to check... it's also mostly listed on the Mods page...


As a general rule of thumb you should always watch out when you install mods which are modifying the same objects, image space, etc...




As for uGridsToLoad, it should never be set higher than 7... anything over is unstable. So actually it's either 5 or 7 (read that 6 is crap as well). you have to change your uExteriorCellBuffer as well... you can actually set that value higher than suggested (I have doubled it) and it will be a bit more stable... I run on uGrids=7, ExteriorBuffer=128

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UNCONFIRMED PROBLEM CAUSERS ( If you can confirm these or clear them Please post :smile: )


1. FNIS (New Idle Animations)

2. Climates of Tamriel

3. Realistic Lighting Overhaul


>>Those work fine together, make sure you have the DLC patches.



In general you can view compatibility lists here:



Or just use BOSS and/or TES5Edit to check... it's also mostly listed on the Mods page...


As a general rule of thumb you should always watch out when you install mods which are modifying the same objects, image space, etc...




As for uGridsToLoad, it should never be set higher than 7... anything over is unstable. So actually it's either 5 or 7 (read that 6 is crap as well). you have to change your uExteriorCellBuffer as well... you can actually set that value higher than suggested (I have doubled it) and it will be a bit more stable... I run on uGrids=7, ExteriorBuffer=128



Yeah, I started a new game, deleted all mods so game is vanilla, and then re-installed only newish mods & armor & weapon mods. a Lot of the mods i was runnning were very old. I also then edited skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini to enable multitheaded rendering and multi-core support for the engine.


After that whole mission, it worked :smile:



Edited by Monkinsane
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