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Gravity Gun


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Pretty self-explanatory.

It would be nice to have the same effect as picking something up (z) but with a longer range and being able to freeze whatever you are holding.

I don't know if it's even possible to control physics through whatever scripting engine Fallout uses, but could someone at least try?

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for some poo like that there is a game called half life, peraphs what he may want is something like a rock it launcher that launches every posible thing (basecally)

modding the rockit launcher to attrach objects instead of pushing them, so I dont think is that hard to achieve

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I mean more like the physics gun from Garry's Mod (A mod for Half-Life 2)

All it needs to do is control the physics (like picking it up) only from a distance.


Also, the cell thing. Fallout 3 already has physics like this. All I would like is for it to be extended with a weapon. If you're on the border of two cells, and you pick up an object then throw it over, what happens?

Nothing. The object is still rendered.

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It's actually very simple, from what I can see.


Attach a position marker to the weapon, having it at a set distance from the player (assuming you can make xyz values relative to the player like the third person camera). You would increment this distance by giving some input to the script (also like the third person)


Get the object that's under the crosshair's reference id, and moveto this object to the marker.


You could getdistance from the player and use that as the marker distance, if you wanted to preserve object distance from the player.


You could also rotate the object (getangle, add 5 or 15 to that number while rotate input is active) easily.


The only hard part I can see is freezing, which I don't see an easy way to do.


If anyone could see an error in my assumptions, telling me would be good. I'll make this myself but I'll need assistance from you guys.

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