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If i want to mod mobs hit points and damage, how should I do it?


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Basically, what I want to do is rebalance the progression of the enemy we see in game so it's smoother and we don't end with the fulings doing ridiculous high amount of damage for creatures that small. I'm sure there are better ways to make challenge in this game than double the health and damage every biome. I'm not new to modding but I'm used to editing xml files, not making dlls. I did programming long ago, but I'm out of practice and that will take me a while to get back into it.


Edit: I want to be able to use more than 2 stars enemies in my game, but fulings just make that nearly impossible... Facing an enemy that has more than 1500 hps and do 400 or so damage a hit is very game breaking.

Edited by Foraven
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