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red: Change Existing Random Encounters


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What I mean by this: If a random encounter has happened, whether its unique or repeatable, it will delete the encounter and replace it with another. if it was ben canning or something like that, the encounter will still exist but in another way which will allow it to have a new one. I usually hate going to an area that had Talon Merc/Regulator encounter just to have another identical group spawn after 72 hours.

I was hoping they would be replaced with a new encounter for more variety and immersion. But it should only replace the encounter if it's completed. example: if it's something like fix a broken mr handy, when you fix or destroy him (killing the scavenger is optional) there is a chance that it will be replaced with a new encounter. (unique encounter however will need to occupy something to allow continual existence as well as injecting a new encounter in it's place)

Sorry for the long post. (if this mod already exists, please show me the topic)

Edit: I spelled Req wrong for the topic name... :confused:

Edited by gameboytj
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