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Partners Mods Question


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HI everyone. I was looking at the cm partners mods tonight, and there were very few people who could be a partner in the game. I went to all of the cities and there might be one or two people (a man and a woman) and that was it. I remember though years ago, I found a partners mod where you could ask literally any NPC in the game to be your friend/lover/partner/etc. and I was sure that it was a CM partners mod. Anyway, I can't seem to find it and wanted to see if you guys might know which one I mean.


Thanks so much,

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Hmm, I remember a mod similar to what you described but no specific name comes to mind. I kinda recall it had a dialogue option to ask the NPC how they felt about your PC. I searched around and found "NPC Commands" by Horny Buddha but I don't remember it being quite so, well... horny.

For something more tame but devoid of romancing, try: "Supreme Follower System", "FollowMePlus", "Travel Together", or "Persuasive Speech (OpenMW)".


I won't give up trying to find that mod... let me know if you find it.
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Thanks for the suggestions and I would love it if you could keep looking for it. It was so much fun! : )


Oh yes I'll let you know if I find it for sure. It's really neat being able to romance or just make friends with any NPC in the game!


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