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The Golden Troop


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The Golden Troop is an RP based in the Forgotten Realms setting, not unlike Tales of Faerun. The Golden Troop centers around the mercenary company of the same name as they (we) go around doing missions and being chums (unless you feel like being the loner). Any help or ideas you have regarding the RP would definitely be welcome. The main purpose of this RP is to create a non-linear modular style story that is made around each character and the missions undertaken by the Troop.



The Golden Troop is a mercenary company based out of the Nelanther Isles with a special reputation for doing any sort of job, from assassination to witch hunting. As long as someone is paying, The Golden Troop will do anything. Founded by Captain Trahand the Unforgiving and Leoaver Goldtongue the name for the Troop came from Leoaver, who is a devout cleric of Waukeen and the business half of the leadership. Trahand makes up the combat and action half of the leadership, as he was a Nelanther pirate for some time before forming the group. At the beginning of the RP we will be starting off with the Troop just recently formed, openly recruiting and looking for whatever missions are available.



1. Don't control other peoples characters. Just don't. If you have an action that includes or affects another person's character then leave room for them to react themselves.


2. You are totally allowed to run off on your own or not be part of the Troop, but you still need to be able to tie your plot back into the RP. (which centers around the Troop)


3. No gratuitous sexual content, or overly gruesome violence.


4. Don't be a "I can beat everyone/anyone" character, nobody likes them.


5. No teleporting.


6. Don't bring your personal issues into the RP. Keep it cool.


7. You can have three main characters. Lesser characters are unrestricted. (Lesser meaning they WILL leave or die at some point)


8. Your character cannot be the ruler of a city.


9. Gods may appear for cameos and advice only. Gods are never to be used in combat.


The rules are subject to change and are enforced, or not, by me. Don't enforce them yourself.

Any ideas for the RP are very welcome, and I would appreciate hearing anything you have to say.



Here's some good info> http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page








General physical description:





General Personality Traits:


Attitudes towards friends/strangers:

Opinion of the world:





Skills and feats:

Magic Items:
Pets/Animal Companions:

Edited by nethgros
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Name: Korvan Stouthand


Gender: Male

Race: Shield Dwarf

Age: 75

Class: Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: None


Height: 4' 6"

Weight: 220 pounds

Hair: Red (styled into a mohawk as a clan symbol)

Eyes: Dark

Skin: Fairly light


Scars/Tattoos: Scar over right eye, clan tattoo on cheek under left eye.


General physical description: http://24.media.tumblr.com/bd1448822ed5348893c3b3e469e71fcb/tumblr_mipjcsluFk1qimwd3o1_500.png

Voice: Gruff, a northern dwarf accent


Clothing/armor:Metal Chestplate over studded leather jerkin.

Weapons/Equipment: Illana, his Urgosh and a spike shield with a backup sword and dagger.







General Personality Traits: Surly but likeable.


Fears: Illithids


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Despises Duergar and distates Orcs, has little trust for magicians and half-orcs.

Opinion of the world: Cares little for anything but his brother and returning to his ancestral home.


Past: Born in Stouthand Keep in the Earthspur Mountains, his ancestral home and mine. After the Year Of The Bloody Crown his family moved there and settled in the mountainside, building Stouthand Keep next to the Silver Mine. He and his younger brother were the heirs to the Keep and its lands but their sense of adventure took them deep into the mining tunnels, they became 'Cavers'. Often found fighting in the front lines against Duergar and Drow that resided in the mountains, despite these threats their largest came from the Orcs that plagued the mountains. He and his brother often lead raiding parties against their camps and defended their villages against them. After their Keep was captured and the majority of their clan wiped out he lead his brother south in hopes of one day returning and liberating their home.

Birthplace: Stouthand Keep

Family/Relationships: Grandfather (Vorni)- Deceased, Father (Garni)- Deceased, Mother (Klara)- Deceased, Brother- Alive

Friends: A Half-Ogre Mercenary named Rollo, a merchant dwarf named Raznik.

Enemies: Grimtooth, the Orc Chieftan responsible for the attack on his home and Tzarik the Duergar commander that killed his father.




Skills and feats:


Knowledge Nature

Knowledge Stoneworking

Knowledge Dungeoneering


Move Silently

Disable Device


Martial Weapon Proficiency

Light Armor Proficiency


Two Weapon Fighting

Improved Trip

Improved Unarmed Strike




Magic Items: Illana, Dwarven Urgosh with Keen and Thundering.

Pets/Animal Companions:


Name: Drexel Stouthand


Gender: Male

Race: Shield Dward

Age 73

Class: Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: None


Height 4' 4"

Weight: 200 Pounds

Hair: Gold

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Slightly Brown


Scars/Tattoos: Clan tattoo on left cheek under left eye. Dwarven protection runes on his hands and forearms.


General physical description: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-le3RCXAG4QY/TlrMOH4CGqI/AAAAAAAABuQ/C1GxdGKYLdw/s1600/Harsk-DwarfIconic.jpg

Voice: Deep but not rough, speaks with a human accent due to his many years amongst humans.


Clothing/armor: Wears a studded leather jerkin.

Weapons/Equipment: Dwarven Handaxe and Dagger. His custom-built heavy repeating crossbow Luvisa.







General Personality Traits: Friendly, likes to drink and tell stories. Charismatic and adventurous. Unlike his brother he is friendly to most people he meets that don't seem overly hostile.


Fears: Drow and Heights.


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Friendly towards people he has met and more open to strangers then most of his kind.

Opinion of the world: Despite his quest to liberate his ancestral home he is eager to learn the stories and legends of other cultures, he views the world as a source of infinite adventures.


Past: The second son of Garni Stouthand, his brother being the true heir he spent more time finding trouble then learning how to be a leader. Was known for frequenting taverns and brothels aswell as his many unapproved raids on Orc camps with his 'Cavewardens' His father was often infuriated with him and they rarely got along but his brother was always there for him and saved his life numerous times despite his less then warm acceptance of the way Drexel lived his life.

Birthplace: Stouthand Keep

Family/Relationships: See above

Friends: Almost anyone he likes.

Enemies: Everyone he doesn't like




Skills and feats:


Knowledge Local

Knowledge Nature

Knowledge Dungeoneering


Move Silently

Disable Device


Crossbow Proficiency

Double Shot

Precision Shot

Many Shot

Shot On The Run

Rapid Shot

Improvised Weapon Proficiency

Two Weapon Fighting





Magic Items: Amulet Of Protection, His mothers signet amulet that grants him good luck and wards off incoming ranged weapons.

Pets/Animal Companions:


Edited by Macman253
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Very nice sheets mac, you set the bar pretty high with your physical descriptions. :P


You want to wait for more or start sooner?

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Whichever you choose, yeah I had these characters in mind for sometime. I once played a pair of dwarf brothers I had originally based off Merle and Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead. I took that concept and remelded the characters into a pair of dwarves. Spent alot of time reading up on the various dwarves from DnD lore and learned quite alot about their culture so to anyone else that wants to join you don't have to be so thorough.


Start it when you wish and I will join in.

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