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Proudspire Manor - please hear me out


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I know there is a lot of Proudspire Manor mods out there, but none of them really gives me the satisfaction to call it my home. A home to me is a place where its organized, where you can place food, soul gems, potions, scrolls and so on in a nice and neatly way, and not just put it on the table.


Proudsspire Manor is the most expensive house in skyrim, the house is also in solitude, capital city of skyrim. There should be some more stuff, especially from morrowind (solstheim).


When i got the house Severin Manor in raven rock i was disappointed how empty it was. So i started searching for a mod and found this http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/31167/ and i really liked the Liquor rack and the Food crates (Meat crate, Ash Foods crate, Cheese and Bread crate, and Produce crate). I also liked the alchemy corner, enchanted corner and the smithing corner in wich there was craters for ingredients, scrolls, ingots, soul gems, Bookshelfs and so on. It was awsome.


But im a Dark elf, born and raised in skyrim, my wife and kids need to be together with me and since im the dragonborn its only right that i live in the capital city of skyrim.


Since magick is something the nords hate or fear, i would like have a seacret room (just like Hjerim) where the alchemy and the enchanting + bookshelfs for totem spells could be hidden. To make it even more awsome why not have blue lights like The College of Winterhold or something like that?


This is of course just an idea. Idea's are meant to be evloved to something greater. If you like my idea please share your thaughts and help me evolve it. If we are lucky some modder might make a mod in the future based on this idea.

Edited by Duviq
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