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hello everyone =)

I'm new here and wanted to ask a question

to where I can find a program or a mod where I can see all of my mods skyrim, but mostly to see if station all running well without being to run on top of each other and then cause errors in the game

I already have the NMM but it's only to put the mods and update

I'm waiting for a reply =)

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BOSS is good for checking that mods are in the right order, but you also need to read the install instructions on the mod page to see if there is anything specific for the load order of each mod as BOSS doesn't recognise all the mods, especially new ones, and sometimes it puts mods in the wrong place in the order according to the mod authors.


if you are running lots of mods it is a good idea to get wrye bash so that you can create a patch to make mods work well together

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