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No rendering of grass and objects far away.


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I'm using the mod: RealVision ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936) , with all the mods that are recommend.


It's looks amazing, but the only thing I don't like is that grass, trees and objects faraway, but still in my field of view aren't rendered, loaded... (see picture)




Even sometimes the terrain looks like the collors are stretched out...


Can someone please help me?


I'm playing on ultra, with Antialising on 2, Anisotropic Filtering on 4 and FXAA unchecked. (running around the 60fps)

CPU: i5-3570K

GPU: Sapphire AMD HD 7850 OC 2GB







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That is the draw distance for grass, trees etc. I use this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814/ to adjust the graphics settings in the ini file. I have the same hardware as you and I have the Tree load distance set to 60000, Draw distance at 3000 and grass draw distance at 6000. Too much farther and I have big slowdowns in heavily wooded areas.

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open skyrim.ini


change these values;



uExterior Cell Buffer=64


(you must change both, they are linked .... uExterior Cell Buffer = (uGridsToLoad + 1)2


This increases drawing distance but beware;

1. Don't ever think of setting it higher, the game is unstable on higher values(!!!!!1), and I read (but haven't tried tbh) that it's unstable on 6 as well.

2. Once you save a game with those settings its very hard to return back to uGridsToLoad=5 (default)... without proper procedure your save game will likely be trash when you change it back lower

3. It's much heavier for your system



Those above settings are fine regarding drawing distance, but they still have to load inside your grids... that's your ultimate limit.


best to try uGrids on an old (useless) save or new game.


If you're not comfortable with it, then simply don't.



"Even sometimes the terrain looks like the collors are stretched out..."

That is your AF I think, which you set to 4... try 16 instead.

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