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A REAL living wasteland


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The thing about Fallout 3 that disappoints me is that the game is too scripted and not dynamic enough. They said the game was a sandbox type of game and the player "lives" in this post apocalyptic world that's alive. So far I don't feel that the game world is "alive" at all. I am the center of the game world and no body else is adventuring like me.


What I mean is, once you clean out a building with raiders in it you can stay in that building forever and no npc creature or human will come in there looking for a place to sleep or scavenging for food or ammo and just happen to stumble into you.


It would make "living" in the wasteland feel "alive" if there were dozens of adventurer type scavengers that actually entered buildings and looted corpses throughout the wasteland all on their own accord and need for food, drink, sleep, or to build up their weapons and ammo inventory. Just like YOU the player are always out doing.


It would be interesting to be asleep and to be woken up because an NPC decided to threaten you to give him all your wares or he'd put a bullet in your head. If you play as a female character a male npc might wake you in attempt to rape you. That might seem harsh, but it's the "wasteland" where there is no law. It's kill or be killed and rape or be raped.


Anyways, it would breathe more life into the game and make it more interesting and creepy to think that there are other loners out in the wastes that might cross your path or you might cross theirs one day.


Right now there are too many "scripted" encounters. You eventually know where the raiders are, and where the super mutants are, etc. It gets boring. I would like to see more loner vs. loner action where everyone is just trying to survive - even if that means they've got to kill someone to ensure their survival.

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I'd suggest downloading MMM, it makes the game feel more lively and real. Just search MMM on fallout3nexus.com



lol, I'm using it, but it's still missing dynamic encounters with raiders and scavengers coming and going into buildings looking for loot, food, sleep, etc.


There's way too many radscorpions and molerats in the wasteland. I'd like to see more people overall.

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It's extremely hard to make NPCs that dynamic. I remember a project on Oblivion where someone set up a small island, and tried to make every NPC dynamic. It took a very long time and had many bugs ( I think.).


Yeah, you're probably right. I guess the game would have to be a MMORPG for something that real and we know how that would end up - a bloody disaster just like every MMORPG there is. Too many kids and idiots playing those that turn the game into one giant deathmatch with tons of brainless morons running around and shooting each other up - boring and lame. I hate online gaming with a passion. Game AI really needs to step up so that NPCs are practically living people and do things on their own that benefits them when there is little to no chance for injury to them and hides and avoids going after a benefit for themselves when they detect that there is a significant chance for injury or death. Only when they feel safe again will they attempt to go after whatever the benefit is that they need. Throw in a 50/50 chance they will just give up on the benefit and look someplace else for another benefit for themselves.


Less shooting more talking would be nice as well. Why would a raider attempt to shoot at the player without knowing anything about them? Especially when the player is a hot chick with a nice rack that any male would drool over! Why doesn't he attempt to sexually harrass her before going all guns blazing on her? How does EVERY npc raider know that the player is against them? Do they have some form of phone system to communicate with each other that we don't know about? I don't think so. It's just simple AI that is programmed into this game.


Right now it's nothing more than...


IF A detects B THEN start shooting (This part is my problem. Why start shooting?)


IF B1 detects B2 THEN remain calm (This is how A should be with B until dialog determines if a gun battle should happen)


IF B1 shoots at B2 THEN B2 returns fire at B1 (Duh. This is the only smart thing the AI does right. Of course, you're B1 and you were the one that started shooting first. You basically triggered the AI to shoot back. That's a logical AI response but an illogical act on your part unless just pointless killing is all you're after. That gets boring to me. How many times can you run around and shoot enemies over and over before it gets dull?


More in depth AI would allow EACH npc have their own rules of engagement. Right now it's faction based. For instance raiders always attack the player if they detect the player is around. That's unrealistic. It would be better if it were sex based. If female raiders detect female player then they attempt to kill the player because of jealousy or some other BS reason. Whereas male raiders would be more talkative (sexual harrassing) of the female player. But even that's sort of retarded and the game shouldn't be based on such a large group of people (faction or sex based).


It should be about individuals and individual survival. If raiders are a group, then it should be a group of individuals that all have their own belief system. Self defense should be globally acceptable so that if 2 raiders are standing in front of you and one wants to kill you and the other doesn't you should be able to defend yourself from the raider that wants to kill you without having to worry that the other raider will become hostile towards you too. That situation could actually be set up on a 70/30 ratio on determining whether the raider will become hostile. Maybe the raider you killed with your self defense move was his best friend? So 30% chance he becomes hostile towards you and 70% chance he'll keep his cool and be accpeting that you had to do what you had to do to survive.

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Finaly! sum1 that talks sum sense the game is awesum but it laks that total freedom i so much long for the subtance in npc's that will make you have second thoughts about putting that .308 in just because he looks and acts convincingly like a human being this will give the game the finesse that so many of us yearn for if this is gonna happen it has my vote so many times over
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I never really did get why an entire town would come after you for killing one person in a house in a town, far from any hear shot. Or for that matter if you kill some one with a knife or something that doesnt make any sound why would they come after you until what say a day or so that would be time enough to discover the body and then maybe not just jump to conclusions that you decided to go on a killing spree. .....hmmmm sounds like an interesting murder mystery QUEST!!! you go in and find a body tell some one which in turn activates an "investigation" then maybe a few days or even a week game time before they find out who the killer is and low and behold it was you so THEN they go hostile towards you.
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About rape... Well, not just that exactly, but the overall asexuality. It's especially noticable when playing as female (which you most likely made good looking). I mean, no one even shows any interest; Friendly NPCs have that "get the hell out of my face" attidute and Raiders/Talons still think you're only worth killing.


Not much better with a male character for that matter, though I haven't played long with the Lady Killer perk.

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hmmmm sounds like an interesting murder mystery QUEST!!! you go in and find a body tell some one which in turn activates an "investigation" then maybe a few days or even a week game time before they find out who the killer is and low and behold it was you so THEN they go hostile towards you.


1. Everybody alive.

2. You arrive.

3. Someone murdered.


It's not rocket science. :wink:

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hmmmm sounds like an interesting murder mystery QUEST!!! you go in and find a body tell some one which in turn activates an "investigation" then maybe a few days or even a week game time before they find out who the killer is and low and behold it was you so THEN they go hostile towards you.


1. Everybody alive.

2. You arrive.

3. Someone murdered.


It's not rocket science. :wink:

True that but this is a game after all and I am a Murder/Mystery Fanatic. Just looking for a way to weasel it in, :P

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