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Suggestion -> Change log should list changes in alphabetic order


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As title say, I think the Change Log tab in any mod should list changes in alphabetical order.


When you consult a mod page and click on the Change log tab, you see all the changes sorted randomly. It's kinda hard to read them because there's no sense of chronology. Even worst, when you're the modder himself, you can't order the changes however you like. Each entry you add to the change log goes whenever it pleases and it's usually not where you'd like them to.


It would be much clearer for everyone if modders could change the order of the change log entries somehow or at least sort them alphabetically. I won't pretend I know how it could be done on your end because each system has its own rules and all, but usually a change like this only requires a "SORT BY" in the SQL instruction. If it's not too hard and too long to do, this change would help a lot in making that part of the site much clearer and organized.





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