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ENB Sunglare issue


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That didnt seem to do anything related with those edges.


it seems to be related to the sun intensity value. Could disable that but then sun is gone...


Its strange, havent had this before. Sadly cant remember when exactly it started.


old or new enb dll file doesnt change a thing so that cant be it

Edited by symplexity
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I just realized now it's about those edges... :\ didn't even notice that...


can you try this:


make a backup of your ENB files in skyrim folder (just drag&drop into a new folder)

download a fresh set of any ENB presets from Nexus (so sunglare and so on is set)


See if you have the same issue...


Just to rule out your .fx files..


If you have the same issue then please post this on the ENB bugs forum, they can help you further must better

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