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ICP Immersive Cities Project


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Hello Nexus Community,

As the title suggests, the Project that I have already started will cover the improvement of all major and minor cities of Skyrim. For improvements I mean, making Cities more possible medieval adding Suburbs, new Markets, NPC, other Houses and much more. I will try to keep everything more Lore-Friendly as possible . I noticed that, for now, there is no mod that covers all the cities. In support of this, there is also a strong desire and passion on my part in designing and making this mod, but it will take time. The first city that I decided to improve is Whiterun. You may ask why Whiterun?...Because it is a City that I particularly like and also one of those that need more work. As I said, I've already started working on it but it does take a bit of time since I started from the Outside until then to get up to Dragonsreach.
It will be a hard work, also because I like perfection (probably impossible ^ ^). I hope to be able to complete this ambitious Project, primarily as a personal goal and then to give to the Nexus Community another nice Mod (hopefully ^^). Below, there is shown a first image of the Project, directly from the Creation Kit (3 days work). I have modified several times the disposition of the periphery (aside from the Walls and Stables), so what you see in the image may not be the final result. I hope that the project will inspire you as much as me. If you have any questions and suggestions do not hesitate to propose. I will update the post with new images replacing the old ones. Thanks to All.



Edited by Maxosis
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